For as long as we can remember, radio artists have topped the charts with their exceptional music. Singers and Songwriters use their talent to create a song that has a chance of reaching for the heights on the ranks. But what if I told you that that’s not always the case? What if I told you that for the second consecutive week in a row, a song from Disney’s Encanto has dominated the charts?
For two weeks now, the song We Don’t Talk about Bruno has been number one on the Billboard Hot 100. The song was written from the creative mind of Lin-Manuel Miranda, who also wrote and starred in the broadway play “Hamilton.” That says a lot! Multiple singers and composers from the Encanto cast helped bring his lyrics to life, creating the perfect mixture of sounds and rhythms. This song was the only Disney movie song to top the charts since 1993, when the song “A Whole New World” was released. This song was from the popular Disney princess movie Aladdin.
Movie Overview
Encanto: a wonderful piece of work to families everywhere of all ages. Built on hispanic descent, the main character is surrounded by family members who all have unique “gifts.” For instance, one of her sisters is insanely strong and fit, while another can hear you whispering from miles away. It’s all quite inspiring, except for one thing: our beloved main character had no power bestowed onto her at her ceremony. She is quickly labeled as the only one different, and while others try not to treat her differently, it’s almost obvious that she is not special like the rest of her family.
Why Don’t We Talk About Bruno?
As we slowly learn more about the Madrigals, we learn that there is one sibling that is never mentioned. Named Bruno, he is one of the main characters’ uncles. His gift was that he can see into the future of others and tell them what their fates hold. Although, his visions were only ever negative, causing most of the town to dislike him and his gift. He was excluded, and eventually disappeared from the premises, never to be seen again. It wasn’t until the main character was desperate for his help to save the dying magic that we heard this record breaking song.
Just Like Gossip!
The song has an upbeat feel, but also slightly secretive. It’s as if what they are saying is never supposed to be said–like juicy gossip. All having a common idea of Bruno, they share their thoughts and personal experiences with him. It begins on one side of the family’s opinions, and eventually turns to her sisters sharing their own encounters. We also hear stories from the townspeople who had their futures read. The one thing that everyone does not understand is that Bruno sees the future–he doesn’t create it. But that doesn’t stop their burning hatred for him.
So they choose never to speak of him. But, apparently, feverishly gossiping about him checks out.
The Rise on TikTok
Hey, I’m just joking, I personally love the song! And apparently, so do the one billion active users on TikTok. Almost immediately after release, the song blew up on the platform and became a fantastic success. Giving it multiple listeners and streams, this is probably where it got most of its popularity. With this fact, Encanto easily becomes a movie for all ages, causing its publicity to grow rapidly. It is one of the favorites on the album, along with “Surface Pressure.”
Along with the charts, “We Don’t Talk About Bruno” has also been on multiple radio stations. With this, it gains popularity globally. It’s easy to say that this song is one of the most popular in 2021-2022 so far.